Student appeals

The University provides students with the right to appeal some University decisions.

The appeal process:

  • provides the ability to restore trust where a mistake or error has been made
  • allows the University to amend a wrong where no current legislation, policies or procedures provide protection for a student
  • ensures that all students are given the opportunity to seek procedural fairness should the need arise.


Work out if you can lodge a notice of appeal

If your answer to all 4 of the follow questions is 'yes', then you may lodge a Notice of Appeal.


Eligible grounds for appeals (in detail)

There are only four grounds for appeal. Not being satisfied with the decision is not grounds for an appeal.

Lodge an appeal

Once you have established that the matter is an appealable decision, and that you have 1 or more of the 4 grounds to lodge an appeal, you need to formally lodge an appeal. Follow this process to lodge your appeal.

After you have lodged your appeal

The University has a two tiered process for consideration of all valid appeals lodged with the Governance and Secretariat.