Social work field education

Field education or work integrated learning (WIL) is an essential part of the Bachelor of Social Work.

It extends your professional knowledge by linking theory with real-life experience under the supervision of experienced social workers.

As of 2020, you may incur a placement fee if you don’t comply with minimum standards for external placements.

Field education overview

Consistent with Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) requirements for social work field education programs, students complete two industry-based placements (1,000 hours total) in different human service agency settings during the course.

Your student placements are organised and allocated by the social work Field Education Coordinators and overseen by the Academic Leader.

Placements are generally located in and around Melbourne but there may be opportunities for exciting rural or interstate placements.

Contact us


Organisations wishing to partner with VU for field education opportunities should contact a Field Education Coordinator.

Linda Giddings

Field Education Coordinator
  [email protected]

Associate Professor Bernadette Saunders

Head of Social Work
Email:  [email protected]

VU stories

Tina Guido smiling
Students with a passion for social justice
General Manager at Indiancare and Former Program Manager at Baptcare Family Services
"VU students are good team players with notable skills in collaborative practice and the University ensures they are work-ready."
Tina's experience with VU students