Gender equality through employability skills
Through applied research of gender equality and employability skills in VET trades, this primary prevention project will co-design a ‘transformative pedagogy’ that:
- interrogates social norms and traditional constructions of masculinity and femininity
- alters the 'performance of gender'
- enables the promotion of safe, respectful, inclusive and diverse workplaces in the construction sector.
This research will:
- raise critical gender awareness and champion primary prevention of gendered violence in work integrated learning settings in the West of Melbourne
- support the adoption of gender transformative pedagogies in teaching and learning practices by VET providers
- influence the prevention of gendered violence discourses in the construction and VET sectors in Melbourne's West
- contribute to the Victorian Government's Free from Violence Prevention Strategy & First Action Plan 2018 – 2021.
Research team
- Professor Tim Corney
- Ruth Liston
- Brett Woods
- Dr Alexandra Law
- Lena Molnar
- Dr Fiona MacDonald