Bianca qualified as a speech-language therapist in the UK and has worked in public health and educational settings. She has taught speech, language and feeding topics whilst being a practising clinician. She specialised in speech-language therapy with children in hospital, community and school settings in England and New Zealand, working with children of all ages with challenging behaviours, complex and multiple disabilities, eating, drinking and swallowing challenges.

Her research covers the breadth of stakeholders - families, school staff, allied health professionals, service managers - with the aim of increasing knowledge and skills to support children and families where there are speech, language, communication and swallowing needs.

She has an interest in clinical education and continuing professional education in relation to developing allied health workforce expertise - the more professionals know about SLP, the more they can collaborate with families to support children. Her research is pragmatic, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Infant feeding
Health-information seeking behaviours
Parents accessing speech pathology services
Clinical and Interprofessional Education
Parent-child interaction
Victoria University