Human Growth and Lifespan Development

Unit code: AHE1107 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park


This unit develops students’ understanding of how the human body changes across the lifespan, including the different stages of growth, maturation and development. Students will use this knowledge to consider how these changes, and the common injuries or conditions within each stage, influence an individual’s involvement in exercise and sport, as well as how exercise and sport can be beneficial at different life stages. The unit aims to develop an integrated understanding of physical growth and development, including the genetic and environmental factors that interact to influence these processes. The unit focuses on development across the lifespan to give a balanced perspective on age-related changes in human motor function.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the stages of growth, maturation, and development across the lifespan;
  2. Identify exercises contraindicated for specific stages of growth, maturation, and development, considering chronological and biological age differences, and common injuries or conditions in different developmental stages; and
  3. Articulate structural, physiological, and psychosocial components of human development, and explore their interrelationships.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 15%
Reflective video presentation (5 mins)
Assessment type: Report
Grade: 40%
Report based on analysis of supplied information and evaluation of researched information (individual, 1000 words)
Assessment type: Test
Grade: 45%
In-class invigilated quiz (mixed format including multiple choice and short answer; 60 mins)

Required reading

As part of a course

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