Literacy Across the Continuum 2

Unit code: EEC4102 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park
Online Real Time
EEC3005 - Social and Emotional Learning (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3006 - Respectful Relationships (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3007 - Digital Teaching and Learning (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3008 - Assessment and Reporting in the Primary School (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC4110 - Curriculum and Assessment in Primary Literacy (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3101 - Junior Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3102 - Secondary Specialisation Assessment and Reporting (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3103 - Senior Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
EEC3000 - Differentiation for Students with Disabilities (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3004 - Pedagogy Today (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
ECP3104 – Innovations in Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (applicable for EBED students ONLY) Satisfactory completion of Year 3 school practicum. Successful completion of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE).
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


The definition of literacy in the Australian Curriculum is informed by a social view of learning that considers how language works to construct meaning in different social and cultural contexts. This unit articulates the intrinsic and interdependent relationship between social context, meaning and language and developing pedagogic knowledge and skills across the literacy continuum of language, literature and literacy. Through this unit, students will demonstrate broad understanding of content, and a solid understanding of teaching practices to integrate theory and practice. This unit will prepare graduates with the knowledge of a diverse range of students, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and a range of appropriate literacy pedagogies and teaching practices needed to be classroom ready. The unit continues the development of personal literacies, and addresses understandings of the concepts, substance and structure of English language. The pedagogies underpinning teaching of listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and will be evidenced across a range of contexts: oracy, print, visual and digital texts, using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of contexts.

This unit links with the course intentions of guaranteeing that graduate teachers have deep and connected understandings of the content they are teaching and the pedagogical approaches for implementing the curriculum. This unit also connects with the course learning outcome of demonstrating an understanding of a broad and coherent body of knowledge of content, pedagogy, curriculum and assessment in relation to the changing nature of education in a rapidly-evolving global context.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Interrogate the knowledge and capability in the planning and teaching of a range of literacies, including mathematical literacy to diverse learners across the continuum in the primary curriculum areas;
  2. Identify key debates and principles in literacy education applied in practice as they relate to 21st century learning;
  3. Identify their own future professional learning needs related to the teaching of literacy to culturally and academically diverse learners including those from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds; and
  4. Elucidate the skills, knowledge and understanding of the English and literacy content, substance and structure required for teaching English in primary school and evaluate their own: content knowledge, pedagogic skills, ability to use evidence based assessment data to meet student needs.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 30%
Analysis of literacy lesson based on key principles
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 45%
Weekly literacy overview and lesson planning for literacy teaching and learning
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 25%
Demonstrate an effective literacy mini-lesson

Required reading

Literacy in Australia: pedagogies for engagement.
Seely Flint, A., Kitson, L., Lowe, K., Shaw, K., Humphrey, S., Vicars, M., & Rogers, J., (2024).| John Wiley & Sons Publishing.

As part of a course

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