Architectural Design Studio 2

Unit code: NAD2002 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park
NAD1001 - Introduction to Architectural Design
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


In this unit, architectural theory is integrated with real-world design applications, emphasising innovation, sustainability, and the incorporation of culturally sensitive perspectives as they relate to architecture. Architectural Design Studio 2 builds on the foundational principles and skills from Architectural Design Studio 1 by deepening theoretical knowledge and introducing advanced applications, enabling students to address design challenges with holistic environmental solutions. Students will engage deeply with architectural concepts such as form, order, hierarchy, scale, composition, and proportion, while critically examining historical and contemporary precedents. This includes conducting site analyses that respect cultural significance and developing architectural plans that integrate environmental sustainability with cultural heritage. This unit incorporates Work Integrated Learning (WIL). Students will have an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge and skills in professional practice activities such as the preparation of design portfolios.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Synthesise and apply theoretical knowledge of architectural principles, sustainability, and culturally sensitive perspectives to inform and enhance the design process;
  2. Analyse architectural designs within diverse environmental and cultural contexts, employing sustainable and inclusive strategies to enhance both the built and natural environment;
  3. Develop architectural drawings and models with digital tools, focusing on energy efficiency, sustainable material use, and circular economy principles;
  4. Evaluate design options, integrating diverse perspectives and stakeholder requirements, to determine their environmental impact, functionality, and aesthetic value;
  5. Communicate design ideas effectively, employing a range of visual, verbal, and written methods to engage with various audiences, including built environment professionals, government officials, and the wider community; and
  6. Collaborate effectively in teams, demonstrating a commitment to ethical practice, inclusivity, and the respectful integration of cultural and social considerations in design processes.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Test
Grade: 20%
Two Quizzes testing knowledge of architectural principles and theory (Individual)
Assessment type: Case Study
Grade: 20%
Analysis and presentation of lessons learned from architectural precedents (Individual)
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 20%
Design project incorporating site analysis, sustainability, and cultural considerations (Group)
Assessment type: Portfolio
Grade: 40%
Portfolio showcasing detailed architectural designs and application of learned principles from precedents and theories (Individual)

Required reading

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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