Doctoral Research End-User Engagement Internship

Unit code: ROP8004 | Study level: Postgraduate
Online Self-Paced


Doctoral Research End-User Engagement Internship is an elective unit for post-Confirmation of Candidature doctoral students to enable them to build transferable skills through project involvement with a research end-user. The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) defines a research end-user as an individual, community or organisation outside of academia that will directly use or benefit from the output, outcome or results of the research. This may include businesses, governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), communities and community organisations. Research end-users are not other Higher Education Providers (HEP) (i.e. universities); organisations that are affiliates, controlled entities or subsidiaries (such as Research Institutes) of a HEP; or equivalents (international or domestic) of the aforementioned exclusions.

The intention of this placement program is for doctoral research students to engage with relevant research end-user environments to build and apply both disciplinary and transferable skills consistent with their career and professional goals. Students will only be eligible for the Doctoral Research End-User Engagement Internship where they are deemed by their Research Institute to be making quality and timely progress on their doctoral project. The unit (and associated placement) must be completed within the timely enrolment period for the degree and not impede timely submission.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Prepare for integration into a research end-user context in a professional manner;
  2. Develop, apply and extend disciplinary knowledge in a research end-user context;
  3. Develop, apply and extend transferable skills (e.g., develop collaborative professional relationships, problem solving skills and professional communication skills) in a research end-user context; and
  4. Reflect on their career development in their internship and set future professional goals.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Other
Grade: Pass/Fail
Induction to research end-user contexts (module)
Assessment type: Other
Grade: Pass/Fail
OHS checklist
Assessment type: Journal
Grade: Pass/Fail
Journal for placement planning and ongoing reflection (approximately 1000 words)
Assessment type: Report
Grade: Pass/Fail
Report by student on completed placement

Required reading

Doctoral Research End-user Engagement Internship will be preceded by a guided discussion with the research supervisor regarding the role of the Doctoral End-user Engagement Internship in the wider context of career goals and planning. Students will be required to read any relevant materials provided by the Academic Research Supervisor, VU Research and/or the Doctoral End-user Partner before the Doctoral End-user Engagement Internship begins, and in the case of an APR Internship, any documentation provided by AMSI/APR Intern.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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